Daily Observances
1st – New Year’s Day
8th- Bubble Bath Day & Clean off Your Desk Day & Elvis’s Birthday (Uh-huh-hu)
11th- National Human Trafficking Awareness Day
3rd Monday – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
21st- National Hugging Day
26th- Australia Day
Week Long Observances
Cuckoo Dancing Week
National Creative Frugality Week
Health Awareness Week
Meat Week
Special Education Week
Month Long Observances
National Thank you Month
Birth Defects Prevention Month
Book Blitz Month
Prune Breakfast Month
National Oatmeal Month ( Who-Rae is going to love this!!)
Celebration of Life Month
Personal Self-Defense Awareness Month
National Gourmet Coffee Month (This is what I have been waiting for!!)
Bath Safety Month
Tea Month
Crime Stoppers Month
Clown Month
Thyroid Disease Awareness Month
Birthstone: garnet “constancy and fidelity”
Flower: cottage pink Dianthus caryophyllus or galanthus and snowdrop
Zodiacs: Capricorn or Aquarius
And because I couldn’t Help it…
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
By Robert Frost 1874–1963 Robert Frost
Special Thanks to the November listings in Wikipedia, Daily & Monthly Holidays, Butler Webs
~ Jenn aka. Mom