“Always Be Prepared”
If you were ever a girl scout I am sure you have heard “Always be prepared” many times! I had a pleasant reminder today as to why that simple phrase means so much!
Since this is my organization page I should share some of my most recent experiences with (not) being organized! First off I like Flylady, I feel she does a wonderful service to many women, men, and children out there that are even the smallest bit tidiness-challenged! I took many of her ideas and made them mine and my husband is thankful for it! I tend to be the type that sets high expectations, and if I know that I cannot meet those expectations I don’t start the project. As crazy as that sounds coming from a self pronounced germ-a-phoebe, it is none-the-less true. I found myself for quite some time trying to find fault in Flylady’s system; however as of late I am learning the art of less is more!
I did start the process of the control journal that the Flylady gives steps for setting up, and after many restarts, and additions and subtractions (who knew I would use math again) I combined her control journal with a lovely household journal idea I found searching the web, and viola, I call it “Mom’s Brain”. I will be soon sharing some stuff I keep in my Brain. (See additions below)
I do believe that FlyLady teaches us the basic scout premise “be prepared”! Have your sink prepared for work, have your home prepared for company, or better yet have your home prepared for you and your family (I need to work on that bit)!
I have been pondering lately the clutter in my home, and how much longer it takes me to clean when I have accumulated too much junk. I have been purging our home of these things, and slowing getting my groove back on, I am not sure why I lost my home keeping skills since my smallest bundle has joined our family, but it happened, and slowly I am finding them again.
After going through our home like a wild crazy banshee and cleaning, organizing, throwing away, and repurposing, our home was very comfortably clean and cozy again. Then in a matter of 10 days, I had three children with high fevers, myself with a tonsil abscess, an emergency room visit, and two appointments to the dentist for fillings. Of course that ended the groove, and to put the icing on the “Always be prepared” cake I had a surprise visit from my dad, who only seems to see my house in complete and utter disarray! I may have to change my motto to “Always be embarrassed”!
Mom’s Brain Links – mom’s links for tips she uses in her home management binder.
This link says home schoolers and she does have amazing tools for home school, she has several printables for school, home, calendars, lists, journals, and more!! I love Donnayoung.org!
Organized Home
Tipnut– has a good sized list compiled of different available resources!
Mommy Tracked an organized easy to navigate site offering printables.
The Household Planner
Organizing Home Life a lovely mixture of helpful printables to help get organized.
Simplify 101 they offer home management classes to get you started on that home binder, as well as free printables.
LifeYourWay includes some homeschool sheet’s for your home management binders.
And of course we cannot forget the FlyLady herself!
The Country Chic Cottage offers printables for cleaning idea’s also.
Clean Mama offer’s some very nice seasonal cleaning charts with lots of extra printable goodies.
Just a Girl and her Blog offers printables for organizing that blog of yours.
Home Storage Solutions 101 home and saftey ideas for those printables.
undated 03/3/15