August 2014
Daily Observances
1st Respect for Parents Day
1st Sisters Day
2nd Ice Cream Sandwich Day
2nd Mustard Day
3rd Watermelon Day
4th Coast Guard Day
13th Left-Handers Day
17th Pencil Day
18th Homeless Animal Day
Week Long Observances
World Breastfeeding Week
Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
Clown Week
Smile Week
Friendship Week
Month Long Observances
National Back to School Month
National Goat Cheese Month
American Adventures Month
Black Business Month
Children’s Vision and Learning Month
Happiness Happens Month
American Artist Appreciation Month
Romance Awareness Month
Birthstone: Peridot and Sardonyx
Flower: Gladiolas or Poppy
Zodiacs: Leo and Virgo
Interested in some current events? Check out August 2014.
And because I couldn’t Help it…
~ Thanks for Stopping by!!
Special Thanks to listings in Wikipedia, Daily & Monthly Holidays, Butler Webs