As I was casually surfing the internet today I came across a popular blog about homeschooling. Of course I made a stop because her blog was very easy on the eyes and the subject matter always draws my attention as I am constantly looking for new schooling ideas for my kid-crew.
I was pleasantly surprised to find a blog planner on her site that she offered for free personal use. I would like to share this link for my blog friends whom may make use of it. I found her planner to be quite attractive, simple, yet quite an effective tool for organizing thoughts and ideas!
Planner Link – Confessions of a … Homeschooler is a nice tool and a well organized blog! Thank you Erica for the obvious hard work you have put into your site.
I am just starting to evolve my personal blog planning style a bit more. I find that a blank monthly planner and several sheets of lined paper, inside of a plastic report cover seem to do the trick for me. This system may seem overly simple, and I may come to find that it is, but for now as I get used to working with a blog plan it seems to keep things quite smooth sailing for me!
How do you organize your blog? I would love to hear you comments.