Poor Guppies


Alright, I know what you are thinking! Where is the update on those pregnant guppies!! Well, they are still pregnant! I believe the change of tanks has stressed out those poor mamas! Both females are of the feeder fish breed, so I am expecting a larger quantity of fry, especially from the larger female; she is huge, I am half concerned she is going to bust right in half! Watching the prego mama’s has been a fun time with the kiddos, Pumpkin is so excited to see baby fish that he is disappointed every morning he wakes up and there are no babies. I do believe watching for babies, and helping to take good care of the moms’ environment has successfully distracted them from the earlier devastation of their fish being brutally killed by the tank heater. Although, they are quite good at telling the story to people who have or have not heard it! (over and over and over…..)

Tater Tot is quite the dog whisperer. I let the dogs out earlier this morning, and she heard them wanting to come back in, she took herself to the door and made it very clear she was worried about her puppies! I couldn’t help but being overwhelmed by cuteness. She loves on the puppies, coos at them, and makes a big deal of spending time with them most everyday.

Sweet Pea has been suffering from some seriously inflamed tonsils. We have been working on that situation for a few days now. It always amazes me that children can keep in such good spirits about things, even when they are sick and sore.

We started school last week. For the most part I have nothing but good to report. We have had fun, accomplished a good deal, learned a lot, and had some pretty cool discussions. I have to admit though I am still blown away by how much faster my day goes by. Normally a quick day is a good thing, but I am still trying to figure out how I am going to get everything done!! I am going to have to sharpen my organizational skills a bit more; it seems I have gotten a bit lazy in this department.

I am looking forward to a ladies retreat this weekend. This has become a weekend I look forward to annually for the last several years. I have found myself participating and helping more last couple of years, which I also look forward to, but I always find myself wondering if I am doing enough, too much, am I off-base, does anyone besides my husband really understand my sense of humor? By the time everything is all said and done it works out, we have a great retreat, and I have had a chance to feel like an adult again, and not just a chaos manager.  

I have been putting that lovely electric piano to use that my darling Hubby surprised me with. I really never learned how to play, I was teaching myself several years ago and had to quit after no longer having access to a piano. I am glad to say I am starting again, have gotten farther, I am enjoying the time I get, and I have a built in audience; how awesome is that? Music has always been something that has brought me comfort, and the piano is no different I find a few minutes a day gives me a welcomed break and release from the stresses of the day. As far as my patient audience goes, they say they don’t mind hearing the same warm-ups and practice pieces over and over and over and over, but I am sure they will welcome a new set of songs soon!

Fall is in the air! I am all too excited for another season of harvest colors with baking, family get-togethers, and the welcoming of a slower paced life style once again. I am of course biased and will openly admit autumn is my absolute favorite season. I love the summer heat, gardening, playing, camping, and all around craziness, but nothing can compare to that lovely season that has family woven all around it!

*originally published on A Mom’s Handbook. com
~Sensually Yours~
Shy Willow

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